10 Questions To Ask a Roofer Before Hiring Them

roofer, how to find a roofer, roofing contractor

Hiring the right roofer can be just as stressful as replacing the roof itself. A roofing company might have a slick website and a handful of glowing reviews, but how do you know they’re the right fit for your needs and budget? Before signing any paperwork, ask potential roofing contractors these 10 questions. 1. Are […]

The Roof Guys: Your Roof and Hail Damage

Roof Damage from hail, roof, roofing, hail, hail damage, roof hail damage, roof inspection, roofing inspection

Roofs, much like everything else in a home, will need time, attention, and maintenance. This is especially true when you have had some recent hail in the area and your roof took a beating. In the United States alone, hail and high-speed winds have been known to cause around $15 billion in damages. This $15 […]