Protecting Your House From The Roof Down

Roof, roof repair, roof replacement, roof damage, roof maintenance, roofing

Your roof is one of the most important components of your home, and it’s essential to ensure that your roof is in good condition. A well-maintained roof can protect your home from water damage, extreme temperatures, and other potential hazards. Learn why roofs matter, how to choose the right material for your house, tips on […]

Steps To the Roof Inspection Process

Missing shingles on roof due to storm damage.

While it may not be the first thing anybody notices when they look at your house, your roof plays one of the most important roles in maintaining the life of your home. Every day, your roof is exposed to weather hazards like wind, rain, ice and sun that can result in its deterioration. Whether you […]

What Should You Do When A Storm Hits?

thunderstorm with bright lightning coming out of the sky, storms, storm damage, damage after storm, roof, roofing, roof damage, siding damage, siding

In 2019, the United States had over 1,500 fatalities due to tornadoes, with 54 of those storms taking place in Minnesota. If you’re a homeowner in Minnesota, you need to know storm safety to protect your home and your family.  With these storm safety tips, you’ll know what to do before a storm, what to do during […]