Flat Roofing – Dos and Don’ts

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If you have a flat roof, don’t let its low profile fool you. This type of roofing is more complex than it looks and requires proper care to keep it in good condition. After all, if water can get through your flat roof, it could cause damage not only to the structure but also to its contents. To prevent this from happening and ensure a long life for your home’s flat roof, here are some dos and don’ts:

Get Your Flat Roof Inspected Regularly

When it comes to flat roofs, the best way to ensure that your property remains safe and secure is through regular inspections. You should have your flat roof inspected once a year by a professional inspector who has experience with this type of construction. If possible, try to schedule the inspection during times when weather conditions will be milder (usually after winter thaws), so that any potential issues can be spotted before they get worse. Inspecting during warmer months may also help prevent damage caused by rainwater flowing over inadequately sealed seams or other construction flaws that could lead to leaks later on down the road.

Check for signs of wear such as cracks in the rubber seal or loose shingles; look at all sides of your flat roof where moisture could collect between layers if not properly sealed shut against each other – this may indicate underlying rot under those areas which needs further evaluation before deciding to either repair or completely replace the roof.

Keep the Water Ponding to a Minimum

You can avoid a lot of pooling problems by keeping gutters and downspouts clear from debris. When water pools on your roof, it can cause leaks and damage to the structure below which could lead to structural damage or rot in your home. All flat roofs have the possibility of pooling, which is why you want to give the water a place to go that is not inside your home. Consider a gutter guard product or gutter screen to prevent debris from piling up and blocking the waters main exit off your roof. It’s good practice to check your gutters both in the spring and the fall to clear out anything that may get trapped.

Fix Any Leaks Immediately

Since water leaks can lead to serious problems for your roof, it’s important to fix them as soon as possible. Leaks can cause mold and mildew to grow behind your walls and ceilings. The longer you allow the leaky area to be exposed, the worse it will get. The interior of your house may also be affected by leaks, especially if they are not addressed quickly and correctly. If there is water seeping into your home through cracks in your flat roof it will eventually cause mold growth on walls and ceilings as well as wood rot that can lead to structural instability.

Choose Your Materials Wisely

Choosing the right materials is crucial to flat roofing.

When you’re choosing your materials, there are a few things to consider:

  • Durability: This is the most important factor in any material that you choose for your roof. You want something durable enough to withstand weather and other conditions, but also lightweight enough so that it doesn’t weigh down the structure of the building.

  • Compatibility with system: Make sure that any materials you pick will be compatible with your current system and can easily be installed on top of it without causing damage or weakening over time.

  • Ease of maintenance: Your flat roof will need cleaning or repairs at some point in its life cycle, make sure that whatever material you choose is easy to clean and repair.

Have a Professional Fix Your Roof

When it comes to flat roofing, you should never try to fix the problem yourself. Flat roofing contractors have the skills and tools that can get the job done quickly and correctly. Having a professional repair your flat roof is also much safer than trying to do it yourself as well. The last thing anyone wants is for their home’s structure to be damaged due to improper installation of a new flat roof.

If you have a flat roof on your home, it’s important that you keep it in good shape. A leaky roof can be very dangerous and costly, so it’s best to have your roof inspected regularly by a professional. They will tell you if there are any problems with the roof and give you advice about how to fix them before they become too big! Contact our team our professionals to get your flat roof inspected, repaired, or replaced!