Steps To the Roof Inspection Process

Missing shingles on roof due to storm damage.

While it may not be the first thing anybody notices when they look at your house, your roof plays one of the most important roles in maintaining the life of your home. Every day, your roof is exposed to weather hazards like wind, rain, ice and sun that can result in its deterioration. Whether you […]

The Roof Guys: Your Roof and Hail Damage

Roof Damage from hail, roof, roofing, hail, hail damage, roof hail damage, roof inspection, roofing inspection

Roofs, much like everything else in a home, will need time, attention, and maintenance. This is especially true when you have had some recent hail in the area and your roof took a beating. In the United States alone, hail and high-speed winds have been known to cause around $15 billion in damages. This $15 […]