Anyone can see that you have roofing problems. But should you call for roof repair or roof replacement?
On the one hand, roof replacement will completely solve all of your roofing issues. On the other hand, it’s a huge waste of money for any roof damage that can be easily and effectively repaired.
So what do you do? You’ll find out in the guide below.
This list covers all of the most common roof issues, including leaks, impact damage, and old age. And, point-by-point, we’ll tell you which service your particular problem requires. If you need professional help with your roofing in MN, read this guide first.
As a general rule, you always want to repair your roof if possible. The only time this isn’t effective is when the damage is so extensive that repairs will not fully solve the problem. In any case, here are some examples of problems that can still be fixed.
Typically, a new roof will last at least 15 years. If your roof is relatively new, replacement probably isn’t necessary.
However, this is another general rule. In rare cases of extreme damage, roof replacement may be required.
If a tree branch falls and dents your roof, the damage can usually be repaired. When incidents like this happen, the damage usually affects only one small area of the roof. As long as the damage can be patched up without threatening the structural integrity of your house, there’s no sense in tearing out all the undamaged parts of your roof.
Now, here are some situations in which you’ll waste more money on repairs. In the following examples, roof replacement is the only cost-effective solution.
Now, let’s imagine that a fallen tree branch has caused half of your roof to cave in. In this situation, it’s likely that your roof needs extensive reconstruction, along with some of the walls.
In other situations, there may be damage in several spots all across your roof. This can be from pests or hailstorms, for instance. In very rainy areas, small leaks develop in not one but many different areas of your roof.
When there are just too many damaged spots, the overall integrity of your roof is compromised. Thus, roof replacement is the only way to save the rest of the house.
When the damage seems minor, it’s still a good idea to recall how old the roof is. There comes a time when the roof is simply too worn out to keep repairing.
Find out the life expectancy of your particular roof type. If it’s getting too old, replace it.
We hope this guide has helped you today. More importantly, you want to make sure you have this information available in the future.
Bookmark this post so that you can use it for reference if you experience roof problems in the future. And please, share this guide with any other homeowners you know.
If your roof has issues, The Roof Guys can help. Contact us here to get a free roof inspection and quote.